As classes have completed, we've had more questions rolling in. We'll attempt over the next few posts to provide some answers from both Reed and Stacia to give a couple points of view.
Question: In the SSIS demos we associate a config file with our package for the one time we are running it. What is the mechanism for permanently associating the config with a package? I am guessing it is something in SQL Server Agent, but could not get my Agent Service to start.
[Stacia Misner] when you use DTEXECUI you can associate a config file by selecting it in a dialog box. You can then generate a command-line with arguments that uses DTEXEC that also references that config file. You basically copy/paste that string into a scheduler like SQL Server Agent. I think the final demo in Module 2 should step you through at least the DTEXECUI piece. So there is no such thing as permanently associating a config file with a package in my mind. It’s what you choose to specify at the time of execution – whether through BIDS, DTEXEC, or DTEXECUI. The beauty is being able to use the same package with different config files as needed.
[Reed Jacobson] What Stacia says about adding an argument to specify the config file is definitely true. But I am suspicious (but haven't tested) that if you put a config file in the same folder and enable configurations and don't include a run-time argument, then it will use the config file. This would be worth confirming. Also, In Beta 2 (when we wrote the course) DTEXECUI would crash on almost anything, so unless Stacia added a lot to the demo scripts, the demo may not go as far as it can now. In one class, we built the argument string (using DTEXECUI) and then opened a command window and ran DTEXEC, pasting in the argument string from DTEXCUI. It ran beautifully. The next step would be to put the DTEXEC + arguments into an Agent job. The only thing you have to watch out for then is what "user" is running the job and with what credentials.
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